Rue de l'Esplanade 49, 4141 Banneux +32(0)43600216 Open Saturday and Sunday


How can I make a return ?

You may return your order (or part of it) within 14 days after reception. Please inform us by mail first.

The goods must be in the original conditions.

Customized items, sealed products and perishable goods are not taking back.

Return is done at your own costs and with the transport company of your choice. Parcels need to be sent to 


Rue de l’esplanade 49

4141 Banneux


We recommend you to keep a proof of shipping.

Will I get a refund for the shipping costs ?

Shipping costs will not be refunded as the parcel has been delivered.

How long will it take for my account to be credited after I've made a return ?

The amount of money will be credited on the payment method you used to place the order. Refund can be done when we have received and checked the goods you have sent. We check the returning items within 48 hours after reception.

How can I return an item bought in your store ?

An item bought in our shop may be exchanged within three weeks on presentation of the receipt. The product needs to be in his original state. Customized products, sealed products an perishable products are not taking back.

We do not offer a refund but we may gave you a voucher for the value of the item you returned.